Sunday, November 30, 2008


So Tim and I talked more about it tonight and we decided that we are going to look into international adoption through China. I know many people think there are so many children here that need homes but the practices in china towards little girls is just so horrific we want to be able to save just one child from that horror. We would love to get siblings even older if need be. So we are going to get the ball rolling and see what we need to do to start the process of home visits and interviews etc. I think we will be starting that when we get back from vacation after the new year. I am excited and sad at the same time but at least at the end of it all we will have a child in our hearts.


Daphne said...

Mandee, I think it's a wonderful thing you and your husband are looking into. I work with someone who adopted a little girl from China, and they feel so blessed.


*Mandy* said...

That is so exciting and wonderful. The pastor and his wife of our church adopted two. They are the most beautiful children both inside and out.

I wish you and your husband all the best in the process.

Rooted Mama Health said...

i just wanted to let you know that i think it's great that you are deciding to adopt. i was adopted and i'm actually meeting my birth mother next week (i posted a blog on thebump about it) and i'm scared but i've had the most wonderful life with my parents. they always told me how much they loved me and i know that they wanted me so badly. i now understand more (though not entirely) the difficulty that my parents went through while TTC and deciding to adopt me and i am so beyond grateful to them for their decision. God bless and GL.

Lacey said...

I think it is an amazing thing. My mom was adopted. She didnt find out to her late 20s, but when she did she found her birthmom and realized how good she had it growing up thanks to her adoptive parents.

Lacey said...

I tag you! check out my blog

Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

I tagged you too LOL, check out my blog!